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This morning as I waked up I had forgotten something important: because of some construction site happening the water would be cut in my apartment for 6 hours... That meant no shower for me.
That's why I had no choice but to turn myself to some smelly girl activity, today we are talking about two erotic games!
The first one was a replay for me, Help! I need to stretch out for valentine's day by Pastrygames, a 10 minutes game greatly summarized by it's name alone.
I really like this funny puzzle game where sex is treated lightheadedly, and with a perfect ending! The only negative point is the absence of music or game design..
Also something new happened since the last time I played it, people in the comment section of the itch.io game page are regularly posting their speedrun time of the game! So I gave it a try and finished it in 1:46m, the world record being 48 seconds in glitchless!
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The second game I played was Devine Despair Deviance by nadia nova, it was made for the menhera VN jam (nadia nova being one of the five admin for this jam !).
It's a 50K words visual novel who tells the story of two angels who are living on earth amongst humans, the main character learning to know herself after years of pressure and anxiety alongside her sister.
I love the art style of nadia nova, and I'm impressed by the amount of work which was put in this game made ony in one month! The musics are really good, with Crybaby Party standing out for me.
The opening of the story being a sex scene was a bit outputting, it's hard for me to be involved with characters I don't know and that aren't talking between themselves that much (even if that's maybe in some resort the point of the scene), and the bed creaking sound that play during the all scene (20ich minutes if you are a slow reader like me) drove me crazy (you can mute the background noise in the settings but don't forget to put it back after !).
The story was really interesting and resonated with me, it can be hard to be an angel sometimes.. All the other sex scenes were great, especially the one with the choking!
I recommend you playing both games, them being free on itch.io, and I can also recommend all the other games by nadia nova (my favorite is housewarming gift!).
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This month was a bit empty on the video game side of things for me. I've only played Silent Hill and I didn't feel like talking about it here. So I asked myseld "what game can I finish in 30 minutes to talk about on this website", and one title immediatly came to my mind: Erostatis.
It's a free biopunk game you can find on itch.io in which you play as a new organ on a spaceship who was created to meet the needs of the others ship organs (by doing breathplay with one of them, for exemple).
The game was made on tape window, which is a game engine also made by the creator of Erostatis: Candle.
If this title immediatly came to my mind, it's because it has such a particuliar atmosphere that I didn't found in any other games. The art style works very well on me, and the sound design is one of the best I've ever hears for a videogame (even if the dialogue sounds are a bit louder compared to the background soundscape to my taste).
I loved rediscovering this little horny game, and I really hope to find another similar title one of these days.
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